Shannon Brinkley Studio Blog

An Intro to North Country Quilting Dec 18, 2018

Do you ever get stumped as to how to quilt a top you just finished? I wanted to share with you a spectacular quilting style called North Country Quilting, also known as Durham Quilting. 


 In the l...

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Fast, Fun, and Versatile: An intro to Broderie Perse Dec 18, 2018

I wanted to introduce you to a traditional quilt-making style that is super fast, fun, and can be used is SO many different ways.

In the year 1600, The East India Trade Company was formed and brought...

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Stitches Like Snow -- an Introduction to Sashiko Dec 13, 2018

In the Winter, Japanese women and girls used to gather around the hearth and practice their needlework. Their running stitches came to be known as Sashiko, meaning "little stabs", and were said to res...

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Build a subtle color palette that pops! Dec 06, 2018

I teach quilters from all over the world and one problem I see them struggling with over and over is -- what fabrics should I choose for my projects?!

Whether you've been quilting for years or just s...

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Fall Fabric Inspiration Oct 30, 2018

Inspiration for quilt fabric pulls can come from anywhere. A big source of inspiration, for me, is nature. Austin, Tx is gorgeous right now, and while we don't have the leaf color change that New Engl...

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Dancing with your Design Wall -- how to create fearlessly Oct 16, 2018

Do you have a hard time getting out of your comfort zone? 

Do you struggle with just "letting go" and seeing what you create?

Have you been curious about improvisational piecing, but have no idea ho...

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What is Your Quilter's Color Style? Take the Quiz! Aug 29, 2018

I teach quilters from all over the world and one thing I get asked about over and over is about COLOR! So I decided to make fabric selection a little easier and created this Quilt Color Style Quiz! Yo...

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How to Develop your Own Unique Quilt-making Style Aug 29, 2018

How you see the world is 100% unique.

You are the only person in all of human history with your very particular collection of experiences, influences, and characteristics. No one has seen the particu...

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An Introduction Japanese Yosegire Quilt-Making Aug 21, 2018

Kon'nichiwa, my dear. Today we are traveling to Japan!

By https-//, via Wikimedia Commons

Each month in the online guild, Meander, we explore a different quilt-making...

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An Introduction to Hawaiian Applique Aug 14, 2018

Hello and Welcome! Or shall I instead say, Aloha and Welina.


Ok, my dear, grab your swimsuit, sunscreen, and a good beach novel, because we are traveling to Hawaii!

Each month in the online gui...

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Quilt-Making Styles from Around the World Aug 09, 2018

The craft of quilting has been around for thousands of years. 

The earliest known quilted object is on a carved ivory figure of a Pharaoh of the Egyptian First Dynasty about 3400 B.C. (source


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You Probably Don't Need that Tool Jul 26, 2018

I love the quilting industry. 

I love the community. I love the kinder than usual people. I love the sharing of inspiration and the wealth of creativity. 

There is one thing I don't love. 

It sound...

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