Fall Fabric Inspiration
Oct 30, 2018Inspiration for quilt fabric pulls can come from anywhere. A big source of inspiration, for me, is nature. Austin, Tx is gorgeous right now, and while we don't have the leaf color change that New England does, I'm still swooning over the harvest colored foliage everywhere.
If you ever feel stuck when choosing fabrics for a project-- you're NOT alone! I've taught thousands of quilters from all around the world, and this is a common sticking point for so many.
It doesn't have to be hard to choose fabrics for a project!
It can be as easy as scooping up some leaves from your yard, taking them into your studio and matching colors.
Here, I did just that! I identified specific colors in these leaves, then found fabric from my stash that matched! Easy peasy. You can do this with flowers, photos, fruit, anything!
Give it a try. Grab some inspiration-- a scoop of leaves or a bouquet of flowers (or use the photo of my leaves here) and pull fabrics that contain those colors!
After that, go make yourself a spiced cider or some other cozy, Fall drink, and cheers to mother nature for being a perpetual source of inspiration to artists throughout history.
If you don't have a good color wheel yet (it's an essential tool for every studio), you can download my free Color Wheel for Quilters!