Inspiration for a Color Palette
Mar 30, 2021Ever find yourself in a color rut?
You find yourself going back to the same type of fabric palette again and again.
One of my favorite ways to get out of a color rut and pull together a palette that is interesting, different, and fun is to use an Inspiration Print!
How this works: start with a colorful fabric that you love, then pull in some other fabrics that include colors found in that Inspiration Print.
This is like having your favorite fabric designer pull together a color palette for you: it is already there in the print!
Take a look at this example:
I started with this lovely print on the left. It is large in scale and contains several different colors. So, with it in hand, I dug around in my stash looking for fabrics that match the colors in this print, which are gold, aqua, and green.
I pulled my aqua lined print, it's a nice small-scale "blender" print that will help the Inspiration Print to stand out.
Next I found the green batik which will add a nice organic texture to the quilt and also acts as a "blender".
Finally, I grabbed 2 golds: the gold print as well as the solid.
I love the resulting palette-- everything goes nicely together and the Inspiration Print really connects everything cohesively.
It can also be helpful to use the registration marks in the selvage to create your palette:

Your turn! Go grab a fun, colorful print, and pull together a fabric palette using the colors in that print!
If you'd like to dive deeper into color, we have a full Color Curriculum inside Meander. It will take you from unsure or insecure with color to a master! Click here to learn more!